Players Roster
Name | Title |
Accordian Amy | OS Accordion Thief |
apathetic lizardgirl | OS Sauceror |
Attila the Pun | OS Accordion Thief |
Baron Von Ziti | OS Pastamancer |
BileStyleDeluxe | OS Disco Bandit |
CapnCnet | OS Disco Bandit |
Charred | OS Seal Clubber |
CrayonRed | OS Disco Bandit |
cweb | OS Pastamancer |
DeathSquirrel | OS Disco Bandit |
Discovery | OS Disco Bandit |
DMag_oshc | OS Disco Bandit |
Earnest Hemmingway | OS Disco Bandit |
Elvis Parsley | OS Disco Bandit |
El_Kabong | OS Seal Clubber |
FraggleRocker | OS Pastamancer |
Gaea | OS Disco Bandit |
Gruffles | OS Accordion Thief |
hardcoredeathpuppy | OS Turtle Tamer |
HardcoreDiscoBabe | Enabler |
HardcoreMonkishRoots | OS Turtle Tamer |
HarDXCore | OS Disco Bandit |
HaschelOldSchool | OS Accordion Thief |
HC Lemming | OS Disco Bandit |
HCPVP | OS Turtle Tamer |
HCZair | OS Disco Bandit |
HCZair2 | OS Pastamancer |
HudsonHawk | First Founder |
Ineffable | OS Turtle Tamer |
Jesus McTurtle | OS Turtle Tamer |
Locky McKenzie | OS Disco Bandit |
Loo_ne | OS Disco Bandit |
Merrill | OS Disco Bandit |
mesoterica | OS Pastamancer |
Mr Exploder | OS Turtle Tamer |
Mr Huge | OS Seal Clubber |
muddovermatter | OS Sauceror |
Old School Deedlee | OS Accordion Thief |
oldschoolcharm | OS Seal Clubber |
OldSchoolEroz | OS Turtle Tamer |
OSpluscwc | OS Pastamancer |
Pastababe | Enabler |
pluscwc | OS Accordion Thief |
PumpkinEveOS | OS Turtle Tamer |
purplehatluck2 | OS Pastamancer |
PyroDove | OS Sauceror |
Rachelkachel | OS Disco Bandit |
Romys Tree | OS Accordion Thief |
SowBug | OS Accordion Thief |
Terrapin OS | OS Turtle Tamer |
TimScheffOS | OS Accordion Thief |
yourself | OS Turtle Tamer |
Order of Old School KoL Players
Gallery - OS Forums - Playing OS? Get on the list!
The Spirit of the Order
(Your rules may vary)
1. No mall.
2. No flea market.
3. No items-for-meat or meat-for-items trades with new schoolers. Barter only, and only barter items for those of similar autosell value.
4. No recieving of gifts or prizes from non-old school players (this includes items, meat and buffs). Get a gift? Get rid of it, ASAP.
5. No games/contests with non-OS'ers.
6. There is no rule 6.
7. NO buying, selling, or trading quest items. Ever.
8. Old School forgets what 8 is for, so does nothing.
9. Can only join clans consisting solely of other old school characters. Can create your own clan, but cannot accept new school members.
10. PvP is allowable, if you want a REAL challenge.
Due to the nature of this clan, most members are multies. You cannot turn an old, existing character into an OS character, so go ahead and start a new one! We despise multi abuse, and the Spirit of the Old School will smite you if you cheat. Play this way because you love it.
Questions? Want to be admitted to the OS Clan? Kmail HudsonHawk or HardcoreDiscoBabe or email michele(at)nomovingparts(dot)com! (Michele also has Gmail invites if you need one).
For your sig:
(go ahead and hotlink!) |
Visual KoL - Home of great recipe cards and the KoL WIKI.
KoL on Coldfront - the official KoL fansite. |